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What is it?


Is an Integrative Medicine of assessing, diagnosing, treating and preventing a wide range of medical conditions and health problems. It is designed to treat acute/chronic pain, inflammation and; to improve body and life functionality. It uses a drug-free, non-invasive form of manual medicine that focuses on the health of the whole body and not just the injured or affected part. 

It’s a therapeutic science designed to facilitate natural healing processes by finding and correcting anatomical deviations that interfere with the free flow of blood, lymph and with the so-called “nerve force” in the body.


Osteopaths are educated and trained in anatomy, physiology, pathology, general medical diagnosis and osteopathic techniques. We work with other registered health professionals including general practitioners, specialists and radiologists to provide the best service to their patients.



Osteopathy is most commonly associated with musculoskeletal medicine - biomechanical back and neck pain, sport or work injuries, or other joint or muscle disorders. However, as Osteopathy is an Integrative holistic form of healthcare; which helps individuals improve and/or restore health and well being, there are many other reasons you want to visit an osteopath.

Some may come for rehabilitation, or injury management, assistance with general health problems or medical conditions, or wellness more generally.


Osteopathic Treatment and it's benefits

Treatment is designed to release pain, restrictions and to improve function; impacting positively the nervous, neuroendocrine, circulatory, digestive, lymphatic, fascia and muscle-skeletal systems; improving body function and overall health. 


On each session I work to restore your body to a state of balance, where possible without the use of drugs or surgery. I use sensitive touch, physical manipulation, mobilization, stimulation, stretching and massage to enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues, and to help your body’s own healing mechanisms.


Osteopaths use a variety of techniques, and; these are applied according to what the patient needs:

  • Spine and Joint manipulation

  • Visceral mobilization

  • Cranial-sacral therapy

  • Fascia release

  • Neurodynamics/neuromobilization

  • Neuromuscular and muscle energy

  • Stretching

  • Functional therapy and Psychosomatic release

OSTEOPATHY: Osteopathic treatment
OSTEOPATHY: who is it fo

Who is it for?

Osteopathic patients include people of any age, from babies through to the elderly and treatment is helpful for people in any situation - athletes and sport people, student, office worker, manual labourer, pregnant woman, stay at home parent, retiree and anything in between.

Some of the conditions osteopaths assist their patients with include:

  • Back, neck and overall body pain

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Sciatic pain compression

  • Neuralgias 

  • Bulged, herniated and compressed disc 

  • Sports injuries

  • Pregnancy and post-pregnancy related pain

  • Sleeping, feeding and digestive problems in babies

  • Asthma and/or other breathing related disorders

  • Recurrent ear infections in children

  • Digestive and gynecological complaints

  • Stress and adrenal fatigue 

  • Inflammatory diseases 

  • TMJ disorders

  • Body Posture (caused by driving, traumas, scarred tissue and adhesion from surgery and/or infections and changes due to pregnancy)

Osteopathy emphasizes self-healing. So; You will also receive specific advices and guidance to help manage your injury at home.

Prevention advice can involve:
* Stretching exercises/home exercise
* Posture
* Breathing
* Stress reduction
* Lifestyle adjustments 
* Dietary changes 


Ongoing care


The manipulation and hands-on work are gentle, but due to the physical nature of the treatment, it is not unusual to sometimes feel tired, or stiff or sore, or find an increase in your symptoms in the first 24-48 hours after treatment. This is not uncommon and perfectly normal. You will be explained any likely reactions that you could expect. 

Feel free to ring and talk should you have any concerns.


Generally you would expect to see some changes in your symptoms after one or two visits; however, some long-term or chronic conditions may require a longer course or more frequent treatment. If you have any concerns, I will be happy to discuss these with you.


Follow up appointments involve a short discussion and follow up assessment.

Interdisciplinary medicine (a thorough Integrative consultation (personal life, medical history and physical examination) and approach to recover your health from chronic...
Osteopathic & Functional Medicine
1 hr
$150 USD


The title 'Osteopath' is protected by law. It is against the law for anyone to call themselves an osteopath unless they obtained the actual degree (Master, C.O. or D.O.) by the proper School and are registered by their respective federal Osteopathic Council.

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